

GJAEA expects all published articles to contain clear and accurate attribution of authorship, where all authors are correctly identified and aware of their authorship of an article. Where disputes arise, AfJAREs editorial team will adjudicate and will take legal council should the need arise. Furthermore, where there are requests for changes in authorship these are dealt with by the Editor and are only allowed where valid reasons are provided. Allegations of ghost, guest, or gift authorship are dealt with in the same manner. Where necessary, authorship problems will be dealt with by means of a post-publication correction or erratum.

Article Submission

Every effort is made to ensure that all submissions are treated in confidence and respectfully, and in turn GJAEA expects authors to abide by established publishing standards and ethics. Where misconduct can be proven, the action taken could result in one or more of the following:

  1. Retraction of the published work.
  2. Publication of a correction or statement of concern.
  3. Refusal of future submission.
  4. Notification of misconduct sent to an author’s local institution, superior, and/or ethics committee.


Every effort is made to ensure that all submissions are treated in confidence and respectfully, and in turn GJAEA expects authors to abide by established publishing standards and ethics. Where misconduct can be proven, the action taken could result in one or more of the following:

  1. Dual submission or dual publication.
  2. Plagiarism.
  3. Defamation

An author declaration to the effect that such practices are not countenanced is required upon first submission of an article.

GJAEA will NOT accept an article into the review process if that article cites work published in a predatory Journal.

Conflict of interest

GJAEA expects authors, editors and reviewers to declare actual or potential conflicts of interest as they arise. These include issues around the source of research funding and the role of sponsors in the research process, if any, as well as any financial interests that any of the parties may have in the publication of the Journal.

Fair editing and peer review

GJAEA keeps comprehensive, accurate, but confidential records of the entire review process and these are available for audit at any time. The Editor of AfJARE has full editorial independence, and is guided by the Editorial Board in exercising this independence. In this regard, GJAEA follows a double-blind review process.

Promoting ethical research

It is a stated aim of AfJARE to promote the highest ethical research standards. While formal ethical clearance is not always possible in the African context, any evidence of such misconduct is taken seriously.