Guidelines for Authors

Manuscript Submission Guidelines

Authors are requested to submit their manuscripts electronically to the Editor-In-Chief as an email attachment to and copied to


Instructions to Authors

  1. Manuscripts should be prepared using any standard word-processing software, preferably, MS Word.
  2. Articles should be written in English. Manuscripts should be checked carefully for spelling, grammar and usage before submission.
  3. The first page of the manuscript should show the paper’s title and abstract. The manuscript should state author names, and affiliations, indicating who is the correspondence author.
  4. For easy reading, manuscripts should use wide margins, double spaced text, with all pages numbered consecutively.
  5. The abstract should not be more than 150 words and should provide a good summary of what the authors have expounded in the article. Abstracts should contain the paper’s motivation but should focus on the evidence, analytical method and the main results presented in the paper. The abstract should contain 4 to 6 keywords.
  6. The manuscript submitted should be all-inclusive with at least 80% of the words contained in the main body of the text. Illustrations such as diagrams, photographs and chats should be labelled as figures and numbered sequentially as they are mentioned in the text using Arabic numerals. Tables should also be numbered consecutively. Tables and figures appearing in-text, where necessary, should be kept to the minimum as much as possible and should include only essential details. References, and all large and complex tables and figures, including all data and model code needed to replicate the paper’s main results, should appear at the end of the manuscript in the appendix, and NOT in separate files.
  7. Each table and figure should have a brief and self-explanatory title. All text should be legible, and all graphics and legends should be easily distinguished. Notes under each table and figure should be used to explain and specify the source of all data shown.
  8. When regression results are being reported in a table, indicate the value of the estimated coefficient and report the standard error of the estimate (not the t-statistic) in parentheses directly below the point estimate. You may indicate statistical significance at standard test levels using asterisks. Similarly, a table of descriptive statistics that reports mean values should also indicate standard deviations in parentheses below the means.
  9. Formulae should be composed in an equations editor where possible, to ensure appropriate spacing and lettering when printed. Equations should be presented on a separate line and numbered sequentially at the right-hand margin of the page, in parentheses. All variable names, symbols, subscripts and superscripts should be explained in the text where they are first used.
  10. Footnotes should be used sparingly. If there is a need. If used, footnotes should be numbered in the text, indicated by superscript numbers, and kept as brief as possible.
  11. All sources used should be cited in the text using the author’s surname and publication year, with a complete list of references given in alphabetical order following the text of the manuscript. The manuscript should be carefully checked for errors in the author's names, dates and publication details, and to ensure that all citations are in the reference list while all references listed are cited in the text. Citation style should follow the APA 6th Edition (2010) referencing style. A guide book can be accessed at
  12. At present the GJAEA does not provide proofing services to authors, as such authors must ensure that their manuscripts are proofed before submission. Submitted manuscripts will, however, be checked for plagiarism.